Spy's Homepage

L' ennui est une merde dangereuse. This site might be a remedy, but maybe it isn't. Maybe instead of being a cure for boredom, this site amplifies the boredom, or was a very product of it. Who will ever know? And who cares?

As there a a billion reasons not to go further down this track, there are ample reasons why you would want to enter this site. You will read stuff you never believed were possible. You will be told things that you knew already, but maybe not quite. And in the end you will find out that behind all the aliases is really nothing but a small fragile little boy...

Why all this spy-stuff? Has it something to do with the fact that there is so much talk of Russia here? And who is Leica? Where was he born? And why? And is he a he? And where does das_kjuw fit in? The answers are all here... or are they?

Can you bear schizophrenia and MPS?

Then enter spy's realm of insanity...

Inertia 13 Productions, 2001