
Inertia 13

Laziness as a Trademark

We do our stuff at our own pace. We are not trying to be webbuilders or anything. We have our own projects. We might do yours, if you are patient, extremely rich and easily pleased. We are not commercial. And we care, but not fanatically. We brake for animals, especially hares and rabbits, so we can shoot them and have them for dinner.

Bovendien zijn wij slechts met twee, en werken we soms alleen. Zo het u iets kan schelen, kan u verder op onze naam klikken en lezen over ons, maar dat zal weinig directe veranderingen in uw leven aanbrengen.

The Team:
Wim Maesschalck, aka KANADA
Quinten Boijen, aka spy, aka Das_Kjuw, aka Leica III Von Wintersdorff

The Projects:
Sonic Youth Belgium
Spy's Homepage
Dansk Institüten pĺ Fremdvögln
Het Commiteit

Ja, dat is alles.
U kan ons ook mailen.

Inertia 13 Productions, 2000